Working with community, local enterprise, The City of Amsterdam, Housing Corporation on re activating the Community. Community Playground and reactivating community shops.
Gibraltarbuurt is a typical neighbourhood with many meeting places. These places are surrounded by vacant buildings and dark greenery and therefore doesn't create cozy environment for socialising. On the other hand this offers many opportunities for entrepreneurs, promoters and local residents.
Public spaces here miss connection with residents, who live separetely from one another and do not see themselves as a part of the community. That creates social segregation and leads to degradation of the street furniture and other street elements.
Mood Lightning, Solebaysquare
23 december 2016
'As the Sun colors flowers, so does Art color life' - John Lubbock
The Solebaysquare was seen as dark and uncomfortable around the neighborhood. For this problem the placemanagement team and other locals found a suitable solution.
They decided to reuse the colorful and creative Christmas lights that once decorated the Jan Evertsenstraat. It was a great opportunity to reuse the old jerry cans and bring the area back to life with an affordable and sustainable solution.
Pavement sign, Solebaysquare
25 november 2016
One of the topics discussed in the place game was the unnamed park, which is now known by the name Solebayplein. The square was once a dark and unfriendly place to hang out and missed a sense of ownership. This was recreated with a beautiful sign created by the artist Paul Fennis (known for his streetname signs in Amsterdam)
The festive revelation of the sign took place in front of the local restaurant Lots Toko.
With this simpel gesture the square is one step closer to becoming a pleasant place to stay.
Place game with kids!
30 november 2016
During Winter feast in Playground New Gibraltar, Operatie Periscoop together with Placemaking Plus had a chance to organize a special place game for kids and their parents. This is a part of Placemaking Gibralatar Rocks proces.
Next to demonstrations of Kung Fu school, music, art activities, warm soup and so many games, we gathered enthusiastic kids and their parents and listened for the insights from locals. How can we improve this place? What is missing? What program would you like to see here?
During the workshop a lot of problematic issues were uncovered. Here are the most important points:
- Not enough children as well as parent activities
- Communication of the opening times and programming
- The possibility to come together, catering facility
- Unattractive building
- Accessibility of the building and restrooms
- Feeling of ownership and involvement
During the game we met a lot of active users of the place, therefore, we hope to bring everyone together and improve this playground to have another 'place to be' in this neighbourhood.
You can dowload the full report of the place game over here (in Dutch).
Place Game Report
Place game
9 juli 2016
With a place game we find out how people look at their environment and what activities they would like to see here. The existing group of active residents is combined with business owners and other locals. Together they try to find new ideas for their neighborhood.
In the Gibraltarbuurt participants went looking for ideas that can be realized quickly (lighter, quicker, cheaper).
After the place game we insist the participants on creating their own placemanagement team, a team of locals who will work on the renewal of their neighborhood in the period to come.
Full place game report can be found below (in Dutch).
Place Game Report
Concept map